Our socials provide an opportunity for exchanging experiences and for capturing the memories of our mature members. They also provide a venue for programs related to the history of Bellville and Texas. The following are video recordings of some of our past programs.
September 2024
Presenter: Dr. Abbie Grubb: Historian, Professor, Novelist
Topic: Japanese Americans In Texas
April 2024
Presenter: Professor Kenneth Grubb from Wharton County Jr. College
Topic: Early preservation and interpretation of the San Jacinto Monument
March 2024
Presenter: Bryan McAuley, Site Manager for the San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site
Topic: History of San Felipe
February 2024
Presenter: Chandler Wahrmund, lead interpreter for the Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site
Topic: Portrayal of Abel Beardsley from Anderson, Texas
January 2024
Presenter: Dr. Paul Spellman, professor of history, a native Texan, an Old 300 descendant and the author of a number of historical books which can be viewed HERE.
Topic: Settlers arriving to the Texas coast on the Good Ship Lively
September 2023
Presenter: Shelby Rowan, Genealogical Consultant
Topic: Meet the Men who made Texas Texas—signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence.
The following presentation was password protected at the presenter’s request. If you are interested in viewing this presentation please email the Bellville Historical Society for the password: [email protected].
June 2023
Presenter: Frank Michel, Master Naturalist and Retired Journalist
Topic: How the Texas Revolution affected the Texas natural environment.
May 2023
Presenter: Adm. Dallam Masterson
Topic: Stories about the beginning o the Texas Navy
February 2023
Presenter: Chandler Wahrmund, lead interpreter for the Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site
Topic: History of Fanthrop Inn and early settlement of German
families to Texas
January 2023
Presenter: Sia Beaton, Singer/Songwriter
Topic: Settlers from Scotland arriving in Texas
December 2022
Presenter: Curt Locklear, Author, Historian, Musician, Composer
Topic: Christmas music history and singing
November 2022
Presenter: Jeff Spencer
Topic: The early Oil and Gas Industry of Austin County and how it led to the growth of Bellville